OPEN PLACEMENTS for project of volunteering in Litija – European Solidarity Corps

Youth Centre Litija in cooperation with Primary Schools from local community is offering five placements for project of volunteering.

What is the project about:

With the Digital Solidarity project, we would like to show that it is still possible to
carry out activities remotely – offer them online and thus still maintain contacts
with young people and children. Youth Centre has laid the foundations of digital
youth work, and with that, we will offer volunteers a great opportunity to
continue and upgrade our work with their knowledge and ideas and build on their
Volunteers in schools will work there during the school year in the time of
holidays will work in the Youth Centre. Volunteers in Youth Centre will work there during the whole
year. The whole group will once per week cooperate together and as well during school holidays.


– 3 for Primary Schools (description below)

    – 2 for Youth Centre (description below)


From October 2020 till September 2021.

Tasks in the Youth Centre:

– preparation of activities/events using
digital tools or online platforms for users
of Youth Centre
– moderating social media (IG, TikTok)
– basic programming of
– preparation of multimedia content
– preparation of webinars
– promoting ESC programme
– recording podcasts
We offer lots of open space to
implement your own ideas.
Target group: from 15 to 30 years old

Tasks in the Primary Schools:

– preparation of activities using digital
tools or online platforms for pupils
– participating at lessons (english,
geography, arts, …)
– participating at afternoon stay
– helping at school’s events
– activities are also adjusted to
Volunteer’s knowledge and skills
– preparation of multimedia content
– promoting ESC programme
We offer lots of open space to
implement your own ideas.
Target group: from 6 to 14 years old



Volunteers will live on a touristic farm, 2.5 km outside Litija. They will live in two joint flats with
shared kitchen and bathroom in an apartment building with other residents. Each will have
her/his own room. Flat is fully furnished (washing machine, dishwasher, fully equiped kitchen,
vacuum-cleaner, …) and has Wi-Fi. You will also get bed sheets and towels.
There is posibility to get a piece of your own garden.
Each of the volunteers will get her/his own bicycle. There is also a public transport available.


Project covers accomodation, public transport, health insurance Cigna, food money (7€ per day)
and pocket money (4€ per day), tickets to come to Slovenia and for the way back after the
project, slovene documents and programme activities. Volunteer has no expences.

How to apply?

Send your CV and motivational letter in english to
You can take these questions as a guidance for
writing motivational letter:
– How do you imagine project will look like?
– What is most important for you to happen during the project?
– How will you contribute to the project?
Link to the European Solidarity Corps page where project is published:

Youth Centre Litija:

Youth Centre Litija was established in 2006 and is a part of Institute for Culture, Youth and
Sports. What do we do in MC as we call it? In our daily centre we offer various workshops,
usage of computers, board games, sports equipment, place for musicians to practice, gallery, …
We organise sports tournaments, concerts, Halloween events, Carneval for kids, …
We cooperate with several organisations in the local community like second-hand shop ‘Stara
šola’, Educational centre for young adults with special needs, Primary Schools, High School,
students club ‘Kliše’, …

Primary School Litija:

This year Primary School Litija has over 500 pupils, which are
included in 32 departments. In addition to the primary school (6 – 15 years old),
we have two subsidiaries where classes from the 1st to the 4th classes (6-11
year old pupils) are conducted, and a branch with a customized program for
students with intellectual and other disabilities, for children from 6 to 26
years. There we have four departments of program with a lower education
standard for students with minor mental disorders and three departments of the
special education program for pupils with moderate and severe mental disorders.
The primary school is located in the centre of Litija. The
school is new, since they began with the lessons in it in September of 2014.
The classrooms in it are modern equipped with ICT technology (each classroom
has at least one computer, a projector …). Volunteer will participate in various sports days,
excursions, and other school trips.

Primary School Gradec:

Primary School Gradec is a medium sized school in a small town of Litija in the
centre of Slovenia.
ESC volunteers participate in all areas of our educational processes in non-formal
ways by taking part in regular and after stay lessons, go to excursions,
cultural, technology, sports days and one-week winter school in the nature.
School offers many activities where ESC volunteers can contribute with their
own skills and references. Volunteer will participate in various sports days, excursions,
and other school trips.
Primary School Gradec is hosting organisation since 2009 already.

Primary School Gabrovka-Dole:

This is the smallest of all the schools participating in the project. It has a little bit of over 100
pupils in Gabrovka and around 60 pupils in branch school Dole.
The school’s catchment area is quite big and the school represents
educational, cultural, sports and social centre of the surroundings.
School is executing other projects then ESC as well; Healthy School and Healthy Lifestyle.
School community is very well connected and involved with local people and associactions
Volunteer will participate in various sports days, excursions, and other school trips.