Hey to everyone!


Because of Corona everything is different at the moment and I went home last week, because the schools and the youth centre are closed until now. Due to this reason I spend my time at home and try to do the best out of this situation. I spend a lot of time outside to do some sports or to go for a walk to not get crazy by doing nothing. Luckily I use my time to apply for universities or to make some research’s about what could I do after this social year. That’s why I have the feeling of using my time in a useful way. Furthermore I play a lot of games with my family and cook and bake delicious meals, bread and cakes. We are also renovating our house at the moment and during the evenings my family and me are often doing a bonfire.

Today I got a Ukulele and I am really looking forward to learn this new instrument. Because we all have to stay at home to reduce the risk of infection I try my best to still have some social contacts by doing sports in our gardens but still have enough distance between each other.
